What is better than a TEM? A TEAM !

TEM - Telecom Expense Management company
TEAM - Telecom Expense and Administrative Management company

The Wireless Business Group (WBG) is a “TEAM” offering companies the best customer service and expense management controls in the cellular industry. With over 100 years of collective wireless experience, WBG provides the perfect complement for companies looking for help with their services.

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Centerstate CEO 2022

Business of the year WINNER!

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What our clients say "

Thank you to all of you for the great work that you do and the endless hours of time that you save me.

Your services at this stage more than pay for themselves. You guys provide a real valuable service with a great customer service attitude. Having the right contacts and being able to push items like getting a refund in addition to the other stuff is valuable. If you ever need someone for a recommendation let me know.

Thanks WBG for your time today. I just want you guys to know that you are doing an outstanding job. Your effort and hard work is appreciated. If you ever need a referral, please let me know.

I wish that all the companies that I deal with would model themselves after your company.

Both you and Tom are great to work with….we could not have made this transition without your professional service and advice.

Thanks so much for keeping us well managed!

A big "Thank you" to you both for not losing sight of what has become quite a rarity - quality customer service and personalization. This is on top of being a niche service that has been invaluable to ConMed Corp. It's a nice combination of attributes to have in a growing company.
Keep up the great work. I look forward to our continued partnership.

Your organization has really brought this program a long way and I’d have to say your team is one of the most responsive teams I’ve ever worked with.

Your company has made our lives so much easier and for that I am forever grateful…

Estimated Time Managing a Mobile Environment

cellular numbersmonthly employee hourscellular admin hourspercentage of time