Upstate Hospital


In the fall of 2009 Upstate Hospital expanded its presence and commitment to the Syracuse community with the addition of new children’s wing on the east side of the facility (Golisano Children’s Wing). However, a portion of the existing hospital and the expansion are built into the side of a hill resulting in limited radio coverage (cellular, fire, police) within the lower floors of the facility. As a result, the administrative staff struggled to use their wireless devices. There was also serious concern that, if in the event there was an emergency, critical responders would be able to use their radios deep within the facility.


The recommendation was made to invest in a neutral hosted DAS (Distributed Antenna System) which would propagate RF (Radio Frequency) throughout the affected areas for multiple carriers and critical responders. Based on our experience with in-building systems, WBG was hired to work on behalf of the Hospital…acting as a liaison between the wireless carriers, the approved in-building contractors (certified by the wireless carriers’ engineering teams) and the customer. The strategy was to identify the right contractor to complete the installation for a reasonable price and to lobby the service providers (i.e. AT&T, Verizon) to help off-set the cost of the system.


WBG identified an in-building contractor, helped to pinpoint the exact frequencies required, provided a summary report of estimated costs and oversaw the project from start to finish. Also, based on the business model we developed and submitted to the providers, they did agreed to help off-set the cost of the project. Finally, and most importantly, the Golisano wing has solid coverage throughout the entire wing thereby eliminating the concern over quality of service. The staff is more efficient and the subsequent introduction of new wireless devices (i.e. iPads, wireless modems) is not a challenge from an RF perspective.