CenterState CEO’s Economic Champions, presented by Fust Charles Chambers LLP, hosted a virtual celebration of 295 companies as 2020 Economic Champions for their collective hiring of more than 2,400 employees, 5.6 million square-feet of expansions, and $752 million in capital investments. At a time of tremendous economic pressure, 88 businesses were recognized for opening new storefronts, offices and facilities, and 40 were highlighted for celebrating a milestone anniversary, speaking to businesses’ commitment to the local and regional economy. Companies were nominated as Economic Champions for their accomplishments throughout the year by CenterState CEO, peers, employees and staff. The Wireless Business Group is proud to have been selected again this year for our efforts, in part, celebrating our nineteenth year in business !
Wireless Business Group
CenterState CEO Economic Champion past awards
2014 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021 2022 2023